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Round Table with Madaster - Uncovering the financial value of circularity for asset owners

09 May 2024
Round Table Room

Our economic system must transform; from linear to circular and the construction and real estate sectors play an important role in this transformation. In addition to the environmental and social aspects of this transformation, it is time to understand the potential financial benefits for asset owners. Indeed, the extent to which we manage to respond to the demands of the current system - heavily grafted onto financial incentives - will determine the speed of the transformation. Only if we succeed in making the morally desirable also financially attractive will we have a chance of achieving speed in the necessary transition.

We invite you to join us in this round table discussion to explore these financial benefits. Following some introductory presentations to set the scenes we will have an open discussion exploring:

  • how residual value can be translated to balance sheets?
  • whether material passports in their own right can add value to assets?
  • how circularity can support financial instruments?


Andrea Charlson, Managing Director - Madaster UK
Simon Joe Portal, Head of Engineering & Sustainability – UK - Drees & Sommer
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