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300 Gray’s Inn Road: Fine-tuned carbon analysis unlocks challenging retrofit

15 May 2025
Retrofit Agenda Stage
Retrofit Agenda

The UK built environment has a high proportion of buildings on the verge of becoming stranded assets as environmental targets tighten. The scale of the challenge to upgrade buildings of this type is huge. How can a project balance both a retrofit led investment and deliver the potential for increased rental values? At 300 Gray’s Inn Road the team have embedded carbon analysis whilst interrogating different options to provide the client with detailed guidance, facilitating an accurate design-making process and a route map to an environmentally and commercially viable scheme.

This presentation will delve deeply into the process demonstrating:

  • how to implement carbon analysis at the early stage of designs
  • delivery of detailed RICS v2 analysis 
  • how to achieve better outcomes from both a cost and CO2 perspective
Jack Penford Baker, Associate - Haptic - Architects
Samuel Boswell, Building LCA - One Click LCA
Willien Irvia, Associate - Exigere
Emma Galvin, Senior Architect - Haptic - Architects
One click LCA