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30 Jan 2025

A Conversation with Tim Clement

A Conversation with Tim Clement

Why is it important that the UK’s property investment, development and sustainability sectors get together at FOOTPRINT+?

All these groups need to be working in collaboration if we’re all to mitigate the impacts of climate change in our work and our local communities. The FOOTPRINT+ conference provides a focused environment that enables this to happen.

What did you hear about/experience at our last event that made you want to come back?

In 2024 we sponsored the Nature Stage, welcoming speakers and delegates to share their experiences of biodiversity and regenerative construction and how a focus on these can create thriving ecosystems and communities as well as just reducing carbon emissions.

When you attend FOOTPRINT+ in May 2025, what will you be sharing? 

We’ll be sharing our exciting agenda of speakers as part of our Just Transition stage.

As a business, we’re taking our own Responsible Business strategy further by responding to the Just Transition, a globally recognised concept that looks to ensure the move to a low-carbon and sustainable economy is fair and inclusive.

The approach requires ideas and collaboration from all stakeholders - local and regional government and policy-makers, supply chain, consultants, social enterprises or charitable organisations and local communities – all of which will be represented on our stage as part of panels and discussions.

What are you looking to get out of the FOOTPRINT+ event?

Connections made as part of our event in 2024 have propelled industry thinking and practice, with research projects such as our Regenerative Twin R&D project. It’s this we hope to achieve again with the partnerships developed as part of our Just Transition stage.


By Tim Clement

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