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03 Nov 2022

Delivering steel’s circular economy potential

Delivering steel’s circular economy potential
Delancey's Elephant & Castle Town Centre

The reuse of steel has accelerated into the mainstream and is now being actively considered on dozens of projects. This IStructE paper captures 15 months of research, exploration and discussion which has broken down barriers and paved the way for millions of tonnes of carbon to be saved each year in the UK. Any transformation requires all members of the supply chain to engage, and this paper was a truly collaborative initiative by WSP, Bourne Group, European Metal Recycling, Grosvenor Property UK and Erith Group. 

 It makes fascinating and encouraging reading and we would recommend everyone embraces the proven concept to generate additional momentum in this key sector. 

WSP are working with Contractor Multiplex and Steel Producer EMR to incorporate reused steel sections on Delancey’s project, Elephant & Castel Town Centre. The development includes a total of 462 tonnes of steel. WSP have developed a tool to match and replace designed steel sections with reclaimed steel sections from a steel suppliers database. Currently 80 tonnes of reused steel will be incorporated into the development saving 137 tonnes of carbon. The project team are working together to increase the carbon saving and reach 50% reused steel on this project. 


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