23 May 2024
Lots to digest. Key Takeaways from Workman LLP's Head of ESG
FOOTPRINT+ 2024 conference at Old Billingsgate showcased a really broad lineup of all the latest thinking around ESG and Net Zero with fascinating insights from the panel discussions. Lots to digest however some of the key takeaways were:
- The legislative and taxonomy frameworks provide a general reporting landscape to operate within however these are developing and so each building/project needs to evaluate what can be achieved to deliver real building performance change
- The 10% biodiversity net gain requirement introduced through the recent planning update is helpful however 95% of biodiversity impacts are off site through the wider supply chain so due diligence is important beyond the site boundaries
- Off site biodiversity credits can be a positive way of dealing with net gain as part of a broader more impactful and well managed long term plan (assuming the on site opportunities have been maximised first)
- Understand your impacts and objectives and don't simply rely on certifications to get you there i.e. whole building energy forecasts not just regulated/base load, limited upfront carbon studies vs whole life carbon addressing all elements, building specific energy forecasts not notional forecasts using EPC ratings
- Operational energy forecasts i.e. NABERS, assume defined parameters and occupier behaviours and testing these in use will truly establish how efficient the building operation is in practice (vs how well the building has been designed). We therefore need to drastically ramp up our occupier engagement to shift this significant operational energy/carbon input
Lots of positive work within real estate however if the latest forecasts are correct, we hit 1.35degC in 2023 which makes the 1.5degC limit by 2050 look even more challenging so plenty still to do!
Thanks to FOOTPRINT+ and all the contributors for sharing their knowledge.
By Hedley Jones