Incredible first day at FOOTPRINT+
Incredible first day at FOOTPRINT+ covering a range of industry topics.
Some key stand out topics so far:
- the introduction of the Net Zero Carbon Standards. A new verification process setting limits for both embodied and operational carbon. Validation of operational carbon based on performance based validation.
- establishing how we can make heat pumps more efficient and reduce sound through creative methods. Heat networks being 10% cheaper with a 40% reduction in cost.
- the importance of early engagement with insurers when mainstreaming novel innovative materials and products
- the importance of socio-economic impacts of regenerative construction
- Case study: Castleforge's redevelopment in golden lane. Using Circular Economy principles has been key to minimising embodied carbon; there have been challenges and successes. A low-carbon timber extension would have significantly increased embodied emissions due to the fire protection measures necessary and over-cladding existing facades was unviable due to the poor structural condition. However, successes have included salvaging steel from the original building, enabling the addition of four storeys without any foundation strengthening and a thorough deconstruction process ensured 96% of the existing structure is retained along with other elements.
By Alexander Esfahani
Chapman Taylor