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29 Apr 2024

Q&A with Kelly Harrison, Director, Whitby Wood

Q&A with Kelly Harrison, Director, Whitby Wood

Why is it important that the UK’s property, planning and sustainability sectors come together at FOOTPRINT+?

To make progress, system change, and a better industry we need to collaborate, share thoughts and ideas, understand each other’s languages. It’s vital that we come together and have all of the difficult conversations that need to be had.

What did you hear about / experience at our last year’s event which has made you want to come back?

I love the buzz every year at FOOTPRINT+, the chance meetings, conversations in the coffee queue, being surrounded by enthusiastic people wanting to make a difference.

When you attend FOOTPRINT+ in May 2024 what will you be sharing with conference delegates, policy makers, your partners, and your industry peers? 

We will be sharing our thoughts on how to do things differently, our research and projects, and a new web platform to encourage resource efficiency through making of the most of our existing buildings and adding to them with bio based materials.

What are you looking to get out of the FOOTPRINT+ event?

We are looking forward to exploring new ideas, connecting with like-minded people, and making a step forward in the decarbonisation of the industry.


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