Why is it important that the UK’s property, planning and sustainability sectors come together at FOOTPRINT+?
It's important as ongoing collaboration should be at the heart of every industry that aims to lower carbon and improve future outcomes. Large issues such as carbon reduction naturally sit across multiple disciplines, so focusing the minds of large sectors on achieving future sustainability and carbon goals is essential.
What did you hear about / experience at our last year’s event which has made you want to come back?
Last year's event held an engaging and diverse audience that was very interested in lower carbon solutions within the landscape and construction industry.
When you attend FOOTPRINT+ in May 2024 what will you be sharing with conference delegates, policy makers, your partners, and your industry peers?
A storytelling piece around our Vestre vision zero, which encompasses information about our BREEAM Outstanding factory, right the way through to materials and end of use.
What are you looking to get out of the FOOTPRINT+ event?
To meet businesses and people interested in working towards lower carbon solutions.