Up-cycled furniture at FOOTPRINT+ 2024

Several large developers asked FOOTPRINT+ to approach the commercial interiors industry. The construction world is fast developing means to measure and hence anticipate the carbon emission impact of design decisions, and new materials and techniques are emerging fast to reduce both embodied and operational carbon across the property sector. But tonnes of furniture still ends up being thrown away during almost every commercial re-fit.
This is a substantial problem because most commercial interiors are stripped out and refitted every 3-5 years for offices, and 5-7 years for hospitality. Some companies are now emerging which are producing low or even zero carbon interior products, but the search for brand identity in colours, and the observance of trends is still making a lot of perfectly good interior furniture end up as landfill.
FOOTPRINT+ went off in search of companies who care about this, and are doing something to counteract it. They aren’t particularly popular with some of the furniture industry for obvious reasons, but the situation cannot be ignored that re-use is a logical option when it comes to interiors. Re-use is the ultimate form of recycling.
In May, our furniture will have been sourced the month before from commercial office clearance company Clear Environment. There will be information on the carbon saved by the re-use of each item, and you should consider how positive an effect it will have on staff to realise that nothing matches because you are saving the planet.
“We’ve had a really positive response from several massive companies and organisations, expressing an interest in what we are offering. It’s not so much from the financial savings perspective now, but from the true sustainability aspect as well.
Finally, companies are really beginning to appreciate the environmental benefits and responsibilities for re-use rather than throw away.
Keep up the good work and together we can keep ‘doing our bit’ for society in general.”
Richard Ryll, Clear Environment.