Bruce Geldard
Bruce leads the Engineering team at Metropolitan making zero carbon heating straightforward for all. The team designs new heat networks, optimises and develops decarbonisation plans for existing networks and ensures all our heat networks are up to our adoptable standards. Bruce works closely with the commercial, operational and customer service teams to develop and deliver the overall design strategy to the highest possible quality.
Bruce has over 25 years experience in district energy and has been responsible for projects including the first PFI district heating scheme on the Barkantine estate in Tower Hamlets and the energy centres serving the Olympic Park and Stratford City developments.
Metropolitan is the district heating business of the BUUK Infrastructure Group. BUUK is the leading provider of last‐mile multi-utility networks in the UK. Employing more than 1,700 people and operating networks serving more than 1.6 million homes. Metropolitan has been in the heat business since 2006 and has built a team of experts to deliver and manage district energy networks. We currently supply heat to thousands of customers across 9 different networks including at Wembley Park, Colindale, Post Mark and Hallsville Quarter.
While older networks have generated heat from gas fired Combined Heat and Power (CHP) the most recent at Coronation Sq is designed for decarbonisation from the outset. We are now constructing the first of our standardised network heat pump solutions to provide zero carbon heat to rise developments at Chilton Woods in Sudbury Sussex.
06-Jun-2023Zero Carbon Energy StageLow-carbon heat distribution networks