Ronan Leyden
Ronan leads our work to create healthier and more sustainable places through our own new build developments (Bioregional Homes Ltd), by providing advisory services to large-and small-scale developers and estates, and by advising local planning authorities on policy and plan making. He has fifteen years’ experience working across masterplan and design briefs, construction, energy, corporate reporting, carbon footprint, waste minimisation and reuse. His recent work includes master plan and detailed planning applications for projects with First Base, Landsec, Wates and Hill alongside advising Greater Cambridge Planning Authority, LB Lambeth and LB Lewisham on Net Zero Carbon evidence for plan-making, Sustainability planning policy and town centre regeneration respectively. Most notably, Ronan worked with a multi-disciplinary team to develop a carbon calculator for spatial plan making which is being used by two LPAs to evidence their preferred growth options in emerging local plans.