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FOOTPRINT+ is a melting pot of ideas and experience. We hold the description ‘a centre of excellence’ very dear, so we strive to ensure that anyone presenting at the event is contributing something really hot-off-the-press and groundbreaking. All of our contributions are selected by a respected committee to ensure that the bar is kept extremely high. Networking is a vital aspect of the event because we find people from many different sectors of the property world attending, so the social aspects of the event are massively popular and productive.


Breakfast Briefings

Breakfast Briefings

Really well attended, and crowded in London because they can be fitted in before work; a nice invitation to receive! Croissants and coffee by the river with your colleagues, and always productive for both hosts and attendees.

Case Studies

Case Studies

An opportunity to tell your story to your colleagues and a wide cross section of potential clients (and funders if you need them). The bench mark is pretty high; someone described it last year as like doing a TED talk. We think it’s a bit higher than that!

Round Tables

Round Tables

An intimate environment to allow you to drill down deeply into your chosen subject with a selected number of invitees. These deliver a successful and productive  forum, and this year, we’ve been asked to make the table bigger (though admittedly it’s still not strictly round).



Unlike most conferences where people are watching the clock towards the end of the day, people at FOOTPRINT never seem to want to leave. They say it’s partly because of the fun of the event, but also because they strike up new friendships and working relationships with people of the same interests who they’ve never met before. 


Promote your product


Promote your brand


Learn & network